
Table of contents

Set up environment

To start contributing to FIM repositories, you will need the following packages and dependencies:

Generic dependencies for Linux systems

  • Git.
  • GCC.
  • RustC and Cargo.
  • cURL.
  • TAR.
  • GZIP.

For Debian-based systems dependencies

  • devscripts
  • equivs
  • pkg-config
  • libssl-dev

For CentOS-based systems dependencies

  • rpm-build
  • openssl-devel

Windows systems

  • Git.
  • RustC and Cargo.
  • Light and Candle from MSI toolset.

Installing Rust

Install Rust in the mentioned systems can be performed following the steps:

Linux systems

  1. Run curl -sSf | sh to download and install Rust. Follow the required steps with the recommended installation.
  2. Reload the terminal and try cargo with cargo --version.

Windows systems

  1. Download Rust from the official Rust page.
  2. Double-click on the installer and follow the UI steps.
  3. Reload the terminal and try cargo with cargo --version.

Installing dependencies

You can install each system dependency with the below code block.

Debian dependencies

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y git curl gcc tar gzip devscripts equivs pkg-config libssl-dev

CentOS dependencies

sudo yum install -y git curl gcc tar gzip rpm-build openssl-devel

Windows dependencies

  1. Checkout and get Git from Git downloads page
  2. Checkout and get WIX Toolset from WIX page

Build FIM

FIM requires a compilation or package to run or install in the host. The repository provides tools to perform both options.

Compile and run FIM

With the dependencies installed, it will only require fetching the repository source code and building with the following steps:

  1. Fetch the Git repository with git clone
  2. Go to the repository cd fim.
  3. Compile FIM cargo build --release.
  4. Run FIM with cargo run (Unix systems).
  5. Run FIM with cargo run -- -f to run FIM in the foreground (Windows systems only)

FIM executable is stored at the target/release or target/debug folder, depending on cargo build performed --release or not.

Build FIM packages

Custom FIM packages are proper to deploy FIM-customized features in specific environments. It is recommended to use Docker. It will maintain your environment clean and secure.

Build FIM package is automated. Follow the below steps to produce the FIM package:

  1. Run a new docker of the desired package, e.g. docker run -it --rm ubuntu:xenial.
  2. Install required dependencies inside the container.
  3. Clone the FIM repository and go to package folder pkg/deb.
  4. Run the ./ script to perform build and package generation.
  5. Retrieve the package produced in the current folder. This package has a .deb extension.

Perform the same steps to build rpm or msi packages. It is required to use ARM hardware to build ARM packages.

Setting SystemD service

You may want to set up the FIM SystemD service manually while testing. You can do it by downloading and tuning up the default FIM service file.

Modify the ExecStart path where your FIM binary is, then store the file at /lib/systemd/system/ for CentOS and Debian systems.